
Thursday, 31 January 2013


A friend tagged me the other day, on a post about music giving solace to a cancer patient. Yes, it does help a lot as the saying goes that, Music heals".  That articles about how music helps, took me down my memory lane, when I landed up in the hospital bed, right from my class room, where I had been teaching.

I landed up in the hospital as i felt my whole class was swirling around me. After doctor had examined me, when I got up, I had started throwing up and the whole room was going around as if I had been in a merry-go-round ride. My doctor had then advised me to take an x-ray of my neck to rule out spondylitis. She had then confirmed that it was vertigo and I was admitted there for a day.

    The next day, I was discharged with an advice to see an Ear Specialist. In the evening I landed up at the clinic, where the specialist and his assistant examined my ears and made me listen to different sounds. After all that I was asked to follow the assistant to the next room, where he asked me to lie down. He told me that he would be injecting cold water into my ears to confirm vertigo.

The doctor went to the fridge and took out one ice cube, extracted the ice cold water from it and injected into my ears with a warning that I would feel the whole room swirling around me and to inhale and exhale through my mouth. He then went near the window, and picked up the guitar which was lying there and started playing such wonderful music, that I forgot all about my giddiness and concentrated on his music....I felt that I was no more feeling sick....then he repeated the same with the other ear.....

    It was that day,  I realized that music could divert your attention from your sickness and transport you to another world. It really eases your pain and makes you forget everything, that you feel relieved after listening to music. Even on my visits to the oncologist during my chemotherapy, the soft instrumental music played in his clinic, used to make me forget my pain and tiredness at least for sometime.

As quoted by Billy Joel, Music in itself is healing. It is an explosive expression of humanity. It is something we are all touched by.  No matter what culture we are from, everyone loves music".

Thursday, 3 January 2013

The three magical A's : Appreciate, Acknowledge,Accept.

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
- Margaret Cousins

How true this quote is...

I feel it can change a person day and make it worthwhile with the "Three magical A's: Appreciate, Acknowledge, Accept..

Recently I had been to Hyderabad. One of the days I was there my niece and myself, went for a small shopping. It was the peak hours of shopping for everyone, being a Sunday. We walked into a shop and went to the first floor, where salwar sets and materials were kept, where there was just one lady as a sales woman. We went about seriously selecting a set, meanwhile the lady came and helped us with the materials. 

She was busy running between the customers. we selected our material and waited for the sale woman to be free. She finished her job with some customers and came to us with an apology for making us wait. She was very patient and full of smiles. She took us to the second floor to select the  materials and the duppattas. As we were walking upstairs we realized how tired and tanned the lady was, still giving every customer a broad smile.

She helped us with our selection and we made our way down to make the payment. My niece told her that she was very patient and helpful to us. We also thanked her for her services. After paying the bill, my niece told the shop owner that he had a wonderful sales woman, who was always smiling and willing to help. Not that the words of praise was going to get her a salary hike or something. But the owner would at least think of it and feel happy. But for that lady, that would have made her day. We never think of it when we ask them to take out so many things. A word of appreciation for their services would surely make them happy at least, feeling that someone has had the heart to notice it.

So is it with anyone else. Learn to appreciate, acknowledge someone's work and accept that  it is a good one by giving credit to that person. We don't lose anything by doing so.