
Monday, 10 February 2014

An enhanced bond of life.

A strong bond is not always a balanced equation. It is reaching out to someone whom you have never met and making them a part of your life's journey. It has no explanations nor any reasoning, they just become a part of your well being and family. It is not predestined, it just happens out of the blue. They become a part and parcel of the family. Strange but true.

It is an unseen bond, that enhances our life in a positive way, wondering at how it happens. You get strangely acquainted, feel peaceful thinking about them and feel an unreasonable affection towards them, that cannot be understood. Sometimes it is a question in our minds, if such a bond is possible, an unconditional bond, wherein you think only of the well being of that person and the people around their life. You are willing to sacrifice anything to keep them happy. May be an attachment of the previous life, or a cord of attachment that was predestined.

It may be a world opening up and healing too. A bond that solely fosters on the mutual care and affection. A bond that attracts you for no apparent reason and becomes a mutual warmth.  Life, sometimes brings such people into your life who are not blood related, but become an inseparable part of your life. Something that has no explanation as to why, what, how, where  and when. But you miss the presence and absence. It is a bond that actually makes things happen, it is a very sacred thing for those who reflect on their life and see, contemplate and feel on what's happening;wonder at what the spotlight is illuminating in their life and relationship.

Fate sometimes brings you someone who becomes a vital part of your life. A life saving, genuine, loving bond, for whom you wish only the best in life.   A bond where you are willing to give up anything for the welfare and bright future of that person, expecting nothing in return. You give your heart and soul for that bond, an unforeseen bond that came from nowhere like a melodious lullaby to soothe a mother's heart, not really knowing what you have become to them, but knowing that they are an inseparable part of life. A blessing  and a life enhancer. 

"We do not remember days, we remember moments. Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things. " This bond is not a little thing for me, but a vital part of my life.