The pets of life come home with powerful mental and physical
benefits. Caring for pets make life more secure and active too, providing a
companionship giving unconditional love. First time in life I heard the word
pet in context with health, that too the creeping crab that invades your body
asserting itself as a pet of your body. Sometimes I feel like giving the
emperor of maladies the status of a 'pet' because it is after the body is
invaded by them, you realize the value of life itself.
It was a year after my anniversary with the creeping crab, I
heard the word 'Pet scan' when I had to scan my body for the cancerous tumours.
It was a new experience for me altogether, a learning process of life in every
way. Yet again I am gearing up for another pet scan to find out whether the pet
in my body has returned falling in love with me all over again. I am looking
forward to yet another learning experience and meeting more conquerors of this
The body being fed with sugar liquid and metal is attracted
by the tumours of your body that are cancerous. They thrive on sugar, is what I
was told the first time. A whole day of learning experience, with an empty
stomach, drinking of medicated water and going in and out of the scanning
machine with the dyes injected that makes you burn from head to toe.
Tomorrow is always a mystery. I believe in crossing the
bridge when it comes. What is in store for me tomorrow, I really don't know.
Life has been a constant battle for me from 2011 till date, I only believe in
going off with a smile when my time comes, the last chapter of my life.