
Thursday, 28 January 2016

Pets for life.

The pets of life come home with powerful mental and physical benefits. Caring for pets make life more secure and active too, providing a companionship giving unconditional love. First time in life I heard the word pet in context with health, that too the creeping crab that invades your body asserting itself as a pet of your body. Sometimes I feel like giving the emperor of maladies the status of a 'pet' because it is after the body is invaded by them, you realize the value of life itself.

It was a year after my anniversary with the creeping crab, I heard the word 'Pet scan' when I had to scan my body for the cancerous tumours. It was a new experience for me altogether, a learning process of life in every way. Yet again I am gearing up for another pet scan to find out whether the pet in my body has returned falling in love with me all over again. I am looking forward to yet another learning experience and meeting more conquerors of this malady.

The body being fed with sugar liquid and metal is attracted by the tumours of your body that are cancerous. They thrive on sugar, is what I was told the first time. A whole day of learning experience, with an empty stomach, drinking of medicated water and going in and out of the scanning machine with the dyes injected that makes you burn from head to toe.

Tomorrow is always a mystery. I believe in crossing the bridge when it comes. What is in store for me tomorrow, I really don't know. Life has been a constant battle for me from 2011 till date, I only believe in going off with a smile when my time comes, the last chapter of my life.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Reverberating words.

The fury of words spits fire,
in the labyrinth of time,
impressions etched within,
pale in the profundity of my core.

The mantles of memory,
with intricate feelings,
crafted in the mind,
burn with scathing words.

In the deepest chasm,
the chiseled words reverberate,
leaving an indelible imprint,
in the scarred soul.
(c)Geetha Paniker

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Fountain of love.

Drops of love gather,
in a frozen heart,
melting in the warmth,
deep down the scarred soul.

The light of love reflect,
in  solitude of the lake,
illuminating the spring,
In the depth of the soul.

The reflection in the lake,
dwell underling the surface,
as drops hold,
the fountain of love. 
©Geetha Paniker

Elixir of life.

Poetry is an elixir of life,

a magical antidote on the soul,

to soothe the scars,

in the sands of time.

Words flow out from the chaos,

with amazing ease,

from the deep chasms,

of the conundrum of life.

They refine my senses,

in every drop of ink,

 rolling off in eloquence,

churning into a beautiful expression.

© Geetha Paniker


I am struck by wanderlust bug,
to find joy in little things,
that fulfill my inner desires,
a wish to disappear,
into the magic cloak of mist.

To know my existence,
explore with a yearning,
the beauty of mist-kissed hills,
clouds playing hide and seek,
listening to the melody of the forest.

A call to wander  in the meadows
midst the wild flowers and butterflies,
soaking in the thunderous waterfalls,
drinking its breathtaking beauty,
With every breath of fresh air.

A thirst to wander unfolds,
as each day dawns,
mind aches to travel endless paths,
the unknown depths of seas and oceans,
That makes me dance with a fluttering heart. 
© Geetha Paniker

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Depreciation of appreciation.

To appreciate is not in everyone's deeds. It requires a great heart to appreciate others. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. It is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated  then that person always gives best in all further tasks. But is that all? Even appreciation is doubted when it is given in abundance. It is a quality of mindful acknowledgement.

As a teacher I used to lavishly appreciate my students because I have known the value of being appreciated. It has never missed my watchful eyes to give a word of approval. But today I have started questioning myself on my ability to find a uniqueness in whatever I read. I have started doubting if my analysis has gone wrong? Where did I go wrong? I really have had an aptitude to pick out a creative talent. Today my soul rips apart in anguish that I may have crushed a budding talent of the creativity that was in abundance and got nipped intensely affecting the confidence level.

There is  magic in appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. Everyone in this world loves to receive appreciation  Appreciating someone’s work is an art. Very few people know how to appreciate truly. They appropriately use appreciating words for other people to carry out effective and fruitful results. Therefore it is necessary to learn to appreciate others.
Appreciating someone’s efforts is not an act that makes you feel shy but it’s an act that proves your character. This act shows that you are living down to earth. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate a person whenever possible. It is a good way to make things easier and simpler. It may be  the most beautiful and  the most powerful aspect of life. If you truly possess the full sense of the quality of appreciation, you can fend off any blow life has to offer, you can soar to the highest places and attain all of a great heart's desires.Man's deepest hunger is for appreciation and most commonly recognized basic cravings are virtually meaningless without it. Food loses its flavor, drink its refreshment, shelter its comfort, without appreciation. It is more than a word. It is magic if you would have it so. 

Waltzing words.

Words have power to light fires,
of passion in the soul,
making unsaid words waltz
in unison of the hearts.

Words are breath of life,
a narrow line between,
the real and declared,
within one's awareness of subtle meanings.

Words are slippery,
your innermost thoughts
that become a vicious circle,
of life and death.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Unique friendship.

Quite often we take many things around us for granted.... so is a sparrow. Though very small it is very powerful, its slightness giving it the advantage to many things. A sparrow is a perfect reminder to man that we are not powerful based on the materialistic things we own and also that we don't need a loud voice to be heard by others. A master in flight and camouflage, it shows us to use our creativity and think out of the box, when challenged. It serves as a reminder  to us that busy hands and minds promote a happy and full life. A sparrow can be very intimidating. 

I find them very friendly once they get to know you and that you mean no harm to them. I don't like caging I feel they need the freedom to fly."You can cage a bird, but you cannot make them sing." It really captured my heart with its simple beauty and song. Now it comes and sits on the Portia tree chirping happily and also while I watch sunset fluttering around. It is an unusual friendship proving that close and loving friendships are possible everywhere. It keeps chirping every so happily, becoming a balm to my soul and bringing joy to my heart.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Song in my soul.

There is a song inside my soul,
Of unsaid words,
that breathe inside me,
with the melody of my heart,
that picks a soul apart,
with a tinge of passion,
that stands the test of time.
Geetha Paniker

Friday, 1 January 2016

Where flowers bloom so do I!

A blooming bud,
in the depths of my heart,
with an ardent desire,
blossoms beautifully,
as a dewdrop arches on,
in the  supple petals,
of my emptied soul.

In the sunset of my soul.

Every sunset I watch, I find a connection with a deeper part of myself in my soul. I feel there is a sunset in every soul. The bright hues of the setting sun shines beauty on everything it touches. I let my soul soak in its mesmerizing beauty as the day fades and there is a comforting calm watching the birds fly home against the setting sun. Have you ever watched the sky turn into a display of beautiful colors and made you stop to gaze at it in awe? You can feel the light and breathtaking beauty of a glorious sunset in the core of your soul.

There is a sunset in every soul. Have you cared to listen to your soul? The truth could be that it is shrouded in clouds or caught in a full-fledged storm of your heart. The sunset could have been delayed because you are not true to yourself. It could be that you are not connecting to the deepest truth of life. Listen to the voice inside and let that inner light shine and sparkle. The unexpected storms might be due to the reasoning of the heart. Life just happens and you have to move on.

Even in the midst of an unexpected storm, a period of much cloudiness in your life you can still search for the sunset within. Explore what matters deeply to you without meaning harm to anyone else. Allow your heart-filled sunset to shine on that light and all its magical colors will fill around you with the passion you have within the depths of your soul. Sunsets bring meaning to the sunset of life.