
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

A contemplation down the memory lane of a Teacher.

"A teacher's influence affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops." A quote by Henry Adams is a fact, sometimes a bitter truth. A teacher influences the students to a great extent, when  they go out to the world, they in turn influence all around them. In fact it has a ripple effect of a pebble thrown into a stream, the ripples ever expanding in circles that just goes on and on.

I would say a teacher is like a candle, that consumes itself to light the way of  others. Someone who inspires a child to do the best while correcting them with compassion;  trying to make learning creative and interesting. The teacher has immense influence on the children, who finds the best approach of teaching to make the class amusing and ignite their minds. In the primary classes, the teacher has to be one amongst the children to create an awe and interest in them to understand and think on their own.

As I look back on my teaching years, I realize that the life of a teacher is challenging, varied rewarding and  one that gives the best satisfaction of having moulded a child to take up the challenges of life. Many a times you have to experience the pressures of taking several roles simultaneously with simplicity: a teacher, psychologist,  disciplinarian, traffic cop, counsellor to both student and parents, father, mother, coach, referee, nurse, judge and jury. Doing multi tasks is a teacher's greatest plus point.

As a teacher, you have to accept the call to step in and show compassion, honesty, stability, durability and impartiality, in all situations. The school and classrooms are places where the heart and minds comes together,  and it is the teacher's responsibility to inspire and motivate. In turn you are lifted up and inspired by the love and laughter of your students. It is in you to do it as a teacher and that is the nature of a teacher.

A positive or negative influence from a teacher in the learning period of a child, can have a great effect on the life of a child. It can make or break a child. A teacher's influence can reach far beyond the classroom into the lifelong development of a child. If  you took some time to reflect the time in school, you may remember the teachers who made a difference in life. And it is a blessing and joy to feel and know that as a teacher you are remembered with fond memories. It is enough for a teacher to understand that you have inspired and made a difference in the smallest way possible.

As in life, even in school and in the formative years of  a child, it is the 'Little things' that count the most. It creates a huge impact in the life of a  growing child. The power and influence in these little things is immeasurable. Most importantly you have to be a caring one, with a smile that influences a child positively and that can help you get through to  the most difficult child in your classroom. The words of a teacher and parents have a great aftereffect on a growing child.

Teaching is not easy or intuitive, it is a skill. It is understanding both the psychology and physiology of a child, offering an attentive ear while being stern, being a role model and mentor, convincing and instilling belief in the child, understanding a child's skill and bringing out the best  in him/her. You can measure your inspiration only when students recognise you and stop you,  asking  if you remember them and cares enough to thank you. That is the greatest blessing and gift for a teacher.

" There are two kinds of teachers: The one that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies." Robert Frost.

1 comment:

Silhouettes said...

Thats a lovely note. Something that makes to look back and search upon all those who had given the push so that you jump for the stars...:) Beautiful one aunty..