
Saturday, 7 March 2015

The chess of life.

Life is indeed like a game of chess. You are either a king, queen, bishop, knight or a pawn and you have to fulfill the role that life rolls out to you. You are sometimes mere pawns in life, a unique one with a feature that none have, you may remain a pawn or get promoted to any other roles. But irony of life is that nothing comes free. Even when you strive hard and work, you remain a pawn of life.

Chess is a game rich in metaphors  for a man, a testing ground of life and a learning experience. It is like life that calls for different skills at different levels. A pawn is sometimes a metaphor to see the unusual talents or the diligent work of an otherwise ordinary person who becomes visible only when it ceases to be a pawn. The strategy of chess is a learning that weakness in you is not a real weakness unless you allow it to be attacked, what you perceive as a weakness may in reality be your greatest quality and strength.

You sometimes either just bumble through life, with no purpose or with a life of unceasing moves that are calculated or non calculated. Life like chess is not a complicated strategic move, it is the simplifying of the knots that you get into. The only difference is that in a game of chess you know all the rules and how to make moves whereas in life it is a power of the inevitable that you learn as life goes on. You cannot reverse any moves of life just like the game of chess. Life is always suffused with a randomness. Every move you make in life has to be tactical and everything can change just in one single move or action.

Giving up doesn't favor you in any way. Even when you are cornered it doesn't mean you can never win. It is the smallest thing  that always has the greatest impact in life. 

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