
Friday, 27 November 2015

Life's inevitable crossroads.

Crossroads in life are inevitable. All face crossroads in life's journey, but when life gives blow time and again; there is a kind of helplessness that takes you to an entirely different crossroad. You have to be emotionally, mentally and physically strong to face the crossroad. When you are dealt with trauma of health hazards, over a period of time you tend to become emotionally and mentally weak and to come out of it takes a lot of time, courage and strength. It is positive thoughts that always give positive outcomes, but if you are facing a negative vibe from somewhere, then the capacity to stay positive doubles.

To have a positive and strong mind, you need to nurture it, anyone can be weary of constant stress, so it is important that you inspire yourself to engender positivity; you family and friends play a major role in this endeavour. The strongest of people are not those who do things for themselves, but ones who know whom to turn to when in need of help. Negative energy snaps you and brings you down completely.

Today standing at a crossroad of my life's journey, I ask myself, “Have I taken care of myself good enough?" Even after having fought the creeping crab twice, if I ask myself "have I learned to pamper myself a little and take care of myself?” it would be doing injustice to me if I said 'yes.' Today, when my mobility is threatened, I realize that I need to take time for myself, doing what I love the most, pampering myself a bit and relaxing to give my mind, body and soul the rest it needs.

Then why am I at the crossroads? I think it is because I am confused how to do it? Then I need to come to terms with my physical, mental and emotional health and find time for myself and take care of my health. There are times I have felt useless and helpless. Why? How? What? These are questions I ask myself. I have to come out of it, finding the inner strength to cope up with all these. Sometimes I feel the four years of my fight and health problems have made me vulnerable and easily open to hurt; sometime I find it difficult as I used to be a very calm and strong person. Where my health is concerned I am still strong enough to face and endure any amount of pains. But the mental and emotional stress; I think my strength has weaned a lot. I do not know if it is due to the health factor or the amount of stress is insurmountable, I think I need to find a way to get out of this crossroad of life as I always do.

Is it my health, my age or some other factor that is the cause, I am yet to find an answer.  Have I stretched myself beyond my capacity? Till I find an answer, I am just trying to find a solution from nature as it always soothes and heals me, giving me the inspiration and strength to go on.

Standing at an inevitable crossroad,
 with a trail of  confusing thoughts,
 heading on a journey of loneliness,
 storm clouds gathered around me.

 Perplexed at the turn of events,
 tired, helpless yet willing to fight,
 the hardest phase of life,
 I stand at a fork gripped with uncertainties.

 Lost somewhere blurred in oblivion,
 reflecting at the grey sky,
 I see an undying fire within me,
 to ignite the irreplaceable spark within me.

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