
Thursday, 2 June 2016

A train of thoughts.

Quite often I hear the phrase 'a train of thoughts. I have been lost in a train of thoughts many could be something that went by or something happening...but I do get lost in a train of thoughts, in my own world. Sometimes it is a sequence of what happened or happens, but I bet all do get lost in thoughts. The flow of thoughts is continual but they do get derailed quite often.

Can I be influenced by thoughts? Can anything influence the train of thoughts? The answer is definitely a big 'yes'! Sitting quietly in solitude in a train of thoughts, all sounds from nature can influence me, in a positive way. It derails the negativity in the train of thoughts giving me positive answers to all the negativity.....the demons in the mind.

A little thought arises in my mind; its nature proliferates and grows as a train of thoughts, then emotions and feelings. I love chugging along this train of thoughts in my own world, at my own pace and in solitude.

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