
Monday, 26 September 2016

Unwrapping a new day.

The  stillness of the night gives way to dawn,  with a musical silence except for  the pounding of my heart as I walk. There is something in each dawn that makes it  a gift easing the night gently unwrapping a new day.  Everyone is same under a sunrise by the sea......gazing at the soft amber glow of the sun cut through the hazy dark clouds. The foggy effect at the horizon and the chill t ran through the spine as the cold waves caressed my feet  making me wrap my arms around myself. Then the glow of the sun pushes through the clouds mesmerizing me as it invites me to stare deep into the horizon. The sun, very subtle as if there's a fear to rise, covers the early morning haze with a pale pure light, radiating its rays into the clouds. The air felt fresh and new as a gentle breeze caressed me and I draw a deep breath.

Daybreak brings glimmers of warmth, the golden light softly brightening up the surface of the sea, igniting the birds into a melodious chorus. The gray clouds move in the sky kissed by the sun's rays into brilliant white, widening and closing the gaps between them as the sky turns into a sensuous blue taking away the gray and the clouds slide under one another to change shapes. They just move away lazily scattered over the blue without any purpose or destination dominating the morning sky, contend to just drift along and I walk back home.

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