
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Silence of solitude

Silence and solitude:  
Sometimes silence is so comforting and speaks for itself. Silence caresses like a cool summer breeze, bringing solace to the soul and  surrounds like a fresh, pristine, white blanket of snow on a winter's day. Sometimes it enters the soul like a mother's lullaby. Fragments of thought, splinters of words, and droplets of silence spin  into a kaleidoscopic puzzle, falling into  an incredible new pattern.

There are days when, even a feather would fall without drifting one way or the other,  the grass straight and silent, the leaves dangling more and the only sound is the hammering of your heart against the ribs cage and I can feel the  beating of the wings as birds fly, everything  still, utterly still.....absolute stillness. No air stirring  the grass or leaves,  no clouds drifting.... . Even my own breath dies with an eerie tranquillity,  soothing my senses.  For me the stillness of my soul comes then.  Then I can rest with  my muscles all burnt out,  sit, unwind my mind and let my thoughts flow. And I let life  do what it will; even in the greatest of storms I am still inside, waiting, to rejuvenate and spring back. 


Deepthi Sudhir Nair said...

I crave for such stillness chechi...being mindful of just the present..all ur senses jus feel the air go in and out of ur system..n ur mind goes empty with no thoughts..just being present in the present!

Unknown said...

Wow! You seem to be enjoying your own company. Solitude seems to have brought out your creative best.Whether it's writing, clicking pictures, or any other craft work. Cherish your solitude!

Geetha Paniker said...

Be your own friend and enjoy solitude is what I learned the hard way Deepthi.

Geetha Paniker said...

Yes, Asha. I love to be alone....with nature.

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