
Thursday, 16 May 2019

The sky, my solace.

I always seek my answers in the vast expanse of the sky. It is an umbrella to all that is called life.  There is nothing more inspiring than simply staring out into the sky and watching the clouds drift by making different formations.  Sometimes the sky is cloudy, yet between  the clouds that promise rain,  there is a speck of blue. 

At times the sky is  like a child that  begins to draw on it with a special pencil and then erases it in a way that smudges it   spreading grey in a blue sky. The vast expanse of the sky can be blue and bright on one side, grey with clouds about to burst open on another side and with white fluffy clouds too depicting all the facets of life. The sky is always a constant changing canvas, an endless canvas where colors get tossed upon. Some days  a pure, uninterrupted blue  stretches seamlessly across the field of vision, giving solace to the heart, soul and mind. 

As the sun rises or sets, it is like a  painting, where bright pinks, blues, yellows and oranges pile on top of each other, reflecting on low hanging clouds and fills the world with a haze of wonder. But when it storms, the harsh glow of lightning illuminates the piles of dull grey clouds.   The sky is alive, growing at each passing moment..
It never fails to amaze me and give answers to my questions.

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