
Thursday, 27 February 2020

The love song of the soul, Pain.

Everytime I am in  pain I can choose my attitude towards it.There have been times I  felt betrayed by my body, leaving me frustrated and bitter. But in reality it is me who is betraying my body by not heeding to its warning signals. 
“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” ~Bernice Johnson Reagon
I have been blessed with the time, energy, family and friends who can gently and lovingly support me on a path to wholeness. And I am grateful for the pain, because it calls me home. It reminds me that I have work to finish. Actually pain is a love song from my soul. It’s not punishment, but rather a gift  to show me the way back to my life.
 I  embrace pain, making it burn  as fuel for my journey,  learning to live with it though it can be crippling at times.  I prefer walking bravely through pain’s cleansing fire, although it does scare me at times  burning  so brightly that I  walk in knowing it will hurt me a lot. But I know I  will come out on the other side stronger and more complete. There is a beauty in pain that  even happiness cannot touch, because I risked  letting  myself feel it. Pain is what  brings me back to myself .

Pain is a part of my experience, not something I  run away from, to escape. Pain will find me somehow, and to go through its cleansing fire is one of the truest things that can happen to value  life. There is gift in pain, because it makes me find a meaning for life.Ultimately the pain is a fact  of endurance of a truth of my being.....wading through life with a  body of complicated pains.

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