
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The journey of a blooming bud.

" And the day came when the risk  to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. " Anais Nin.

The time comes and the risk is to remain tight or blossom. A great dichotomy of life.  The image of a bud painfully clenched, closed and the inevitable pain in the process. These types of situations do happen is life sometimes. It is a reflection of helplessness in some situations of life. It is finding a new meaning to the quote, a  determined magic of getting out of a pain which has to be defeated, because remaining in that pain would be just stopping your fight for life. It is hard and painful to be in that emotional rock bottom state, that tends to torture your core of life with a helpless feeling. You learn a new lesson of life and struggle to find a release that you need for a significant change to your emotions. It is an outcry of reaching the end of your rope and then an awakening to a greater  fight and well being.

The opening of yourself from that bud of mental turmoil, though very painfully. The blossoming of the bud summarizes the process. The petals release itself  from the cluster with abandon, spreading  beautifully and bloom. The energy released in the process is great and it is same in a state of numb pain that engulfs you.  The pained soul would have loved to remain in that state, but difficult for a fighter to accept it. It is then an outburst of the soul's pain, and the pain is released, giving an inspiration to keep fighting and a new sense of commitment. No one may see it, but it is you remaining 'you' and a fulfillment of your life to grow, bud and bloom, whatever happens. It is your  will to fight and persevere with  determination; your will power that is at stake, so you have to come out of the bud of pain that engulfed you and bloom, with a positive glow.

The bud within me, has to bloom, however hard the struggle is, unless I want it to wither and die. And I am not made that way, nor do I want to live with that pain. It is not like me to do that. I don't think I would live with that, even though it is painful. Those moments of pain is too hard to take and feels like the chest would rip open, but it is always better to wrap your arms around yourself and say, I have to do it. I have to come out of it. I can't become a victim to this. You feel you are at the edge of a cliff and the knots in your stomach prevent you to leap and then you realize you are strong enough to withstand it. You find that an ache swells up and it suffocates you thinking how could a fighter like you come to such a rock bottom state.

Every positive person too is a human being. Though born fighters in life, there are moments that make it impossible to go through, because you feel it is not in your hands to make a situation possible to be mended and being brave alone doesn't help. When you fight and come out of such a situation, it is like being given the choice to remain tightly  in your bud of pain or go through that pain and bloom with renewed hope and spread the petals and let the fragrance spread. It is a realization that to keep fighting in life is being like a blooming bud forever.

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