"Life is beautiful for only those..... Who know how to celebrate pain visiting their way." Read this under a breathtaking click. That really struck me like lightening. I realized how true it is.
A thought that keeps coming across in my mind, is the acceptance of pain. It seems a general opinion that when you accept pain as a constant in your life, you can stop ‘fighting’ it and learn to manage it, allowing you to focus on other things of life. I struggle with the fact, that this might be something I need to clear in my mind. My instinct is to fight pain. Acceptance of any pain, be it physical or psychological, seems like giving in to it.... It means giving up thoughts of continuing to grow. Just accepting the pain and living on, which is like giving in to the pain.
It is like becoming a victim of that pain. You are accepting pain as a constant in your life, accepting it, but not ‘fighting’ it and learning to just manage it. You are allowing it to focus on other things, which is the general belief. But accepting pain is like giving in to that pain, but fighting it out is what really keeps you alive and positive.
Sometimes it is an unique pain, an experience that life gives you to deal with and fight it out. Sometimes it is psychological, when it is a hurt like an open wound, that gets rubbed with salt to make it more deep. Sometimes you think, as to what made it like that, but then you, suddenly realize that it is you, yourself who brought it to that level. Your mind says that you have brought it on yourself. Yes, it is a bitter truth that you have to accept, that you have to rise above all these pains, by fighting it out and bring peace within yourself. you have only yourself to blame, if someone is capable of inflicting pain on you, because you allowed them to do it.
When you are experiencing intense pain, just on the other side of the suffering is really an intense connection with life, having a body and feeling sensations. It is a proof of life, in itself. You have just, got one life to live, and if you spend the painful and challenging moments wishing that we were somewhere else, we lose part of the journey, don’t we? You really get to know how beautiful life is, when you have over all the challenges and pains that life gives, and we face life again with a smile that challenges the pain, that life gives us.
It is easy to retaliate on others for the pain you face or feel. But in quiet contemplation, you realize that only you have brought it upon yourself, you have the power to succumb to it or come out of it with a smile......the power lies in you...it is in every one. Just ignore the retaliation, knowing within yourself, that it will be understood one day or the other, that pain is the same for everyone. So if you treat every pain that you go through, be it physical or psychological, as a positive one, something to learn from, some experience that is new, you also find that fighting it out is in you, the inner strength that helps you to come out of it by fighting it out.
I have been blessed with the time, energy, and resources to find people who can gently and lovingly support me on a path to wholeness. And I am grateful for the pain, because it calls me home. It reminds me that I have unfinished business to attend to, it reminds me that I could inspire another soul in pain and it always lets me feel that I am alive to see another beautiful day. Life is always beautiful, whether it is with pain or without pain.
I don't know where life may take me the next second, but I can choose not to allow pain to overcome myself as I walk towards what will be my journey. I feel I have grown and aged more as a person, have more resilience towards pain and painful situations of life. And I am ever grateful that I am able to celebrate the 'Positive side of Life', in spite of all that has happened and is happening in my life.