
Friday, 7 March 2014

"Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me."

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” 
 Aldous Huxley

A perception, most importantly our perception of something is an observation, interpretation, or a mental image that we hold in connection to some event, condition, or circumstance. To be precise, it is how we see things in the world around us that moulds, shapes and determines our individual perception. But the reflection of it is our awareness to it. In other words, often our "perceptions" are formed based on what we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. If what we see unfolding all around us conflicts with what we desire individually, we are often judged as someone who poses as one  without any blemishes. All of us have the right, the ability and the free will to view and recognize what is true or untrue in reality. But the reality is in fact each individual's making.

The Power Of Perception, shows us in the simplest and understanding way possible, how vitally important it is to see all that we encounter and experience in our life, regardless of how it appears at the time, ultimately unfolds precisely as we "perceive” and serves as a means of growth which is designed to enable us to fully experience life based on the most precious gift that you could have ever been given...our absolute right of free will to think,, believe and perceive as we choose.

. When we get to understand this, it will allow us to better release emotions and built up anger, hurt, resentment, hurt feelings, or anything that we may be suppressing inside. That is why so much anger and resentment is released individually and collectively. How we perceive a situation, regardless of what that situation may be, or which area of life it is, does have a direct impact on the future actions and attitude that we experience due to that perception, or to be more specific the emotions that we experience. 

May be it’s something we have been struggling for a long time, or may be a piece of advice, whatever the insight; it is those moments that bring us to a deeper understanding of where we stand. The better understanding we have of life, the more we live in that truth, that life is the largest stage. Everyone has their own truth, though what is true for one may not be true for the other. Giving up is really about honouring feelings..It is interesting to see how the perception and reflection of oneself changes according to each situation.

From the time we are born, we receive both positive and negative messages from our surroundings. The perceptions of life, whether true or false, make us the person we believe we are. Our identity and quality of life are based largely on those perceptions. They give us our identity…. They make us who we think we are! We then act like the person our perceptions have created.
Our mind is the ultimate frontier…our potential is probably yet unrealized. Improving our thoughts involves redefining ourselves by redefining that wonderful computer between our ears. Redefining allows us to move forward towards the growth we need to best accomplish our personal and professional life.  It is about taking responsibility for our life. Enthusiasm and being positive is contagious. Come what may; let others call you a perfectionist. It may be a perception.  Others don’t know what battle of life you are fighting, so let the words flow, so that it satisfies them and their perception of life to reflect it on others.
How we perceive ourselves and the life we lead is what will determine how our future will indeed unfold.

We are full of emotions and behaviours but don’t we all have a  choice to make our lives what we want; our perceptions and reactions can be controlled if we understand that there are hundreds of inputs everyday that make us to respond. How we respond is not dictated to us as if we are designed to respond a certain way; we are not robots. Choose your reactions based on who you are not on some extraneous event or someone else's needs. It is your life. It is easy to give in, quit, or become stuck in the past. But, remember this, it takes just as much energy to move forward as it does to engage in self-destructive moaning, blaming, and being miserable. 

Remember the wisdom of Horace, who once said, "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.” "

Perseverance allows you to get back on track when you hit a detour."


Silhouettes said...

As always a thought provoking note. Everything, all the actions we make are all based on how we perceive any given scenario.
Brilliant note.

Geetha Paniker said...

Thank you Arun.

Unknown said...

Please also describe in hindi

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This very quote which came in today UPSC's Mains Essay Paper (though not given) brought me to read this blog (via google search) and some of your other blogs too. What an inspiring women you are with strong personality and an amazing way of expressing your thoughts...god gifted....!!