
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

A metaphor that amused me.

A tiny raindrop on top of the hibiscus stamen attracted me to it. I was trying to take a click of it that gave me a clear picture of the raindrop.
Bees are fascinating creatures, the buzzing of bees as they progress from flower to flower collecting pollen and nectar is a pleasant sound.
Lo! A honey bee flew around and alighted on top of the raindrop. I was sad but just watched the bee as it just softly moved around on top of the stamen a few seconds.  The bee after that was in a frenzy all over the stamen with no gentleness.  The bee was in a hurry not savoring the moments.  I had always thought of a flower as a woman and a bee as a man. For sometime I just couldn't but compare what I saw to a man-woman love. Bees seek flowers like men and women seek each other; unable to resist scent and beauty creating a new life intensely.
A woman that embraces the innate nature of a flower, is a sight to behold in all her radiance and inner beauty.
I was reminded of the verse of Khalil Gibran,
"For to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,
And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy. "

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